
Troubleshoot your server connections with ease! Automate with Fuey.

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Why we built Fuey?

We believe in ensuring our customers instances are able to reach their required network resources. Because when required resources become unavailable, we want to know first! We also want to know where a connection failed. Did the VPN drop? Was their SAP instance down? Or did the internets blowup? Whatever the answer is we want to know it and know it with little effort.

How does Fuey do it?

We like, well love, Ruby at B2b2dot0 so we wrote a Ruby gem called FueyClient that resides on each server we want to keep an eye on. Because we believe in simplicity, configuring FueyClient can be done with a simple YAML file. Then just run the FueyClient every minute, 5 minutes, etc with Cron or your favorite scheduler.

When the client runs it executes each Trace and it's Inspections. As it does so it provides real time updates to the Fuey via Redis. The web Fuey web app then subscribes to the Redis queue and uses Rails Live Streaming and Server Sent Events to push updates to connected browsers resulting in a constant feed of real time trace results!

What does Fuey look like?

It looks like awesome! The dashboard shows you the number of currently reporting Traces, allows you to filter those Traces by status, name, and/or environment. Keep whichever filters you like applied and show Fuey on a monitor in your workspace, it will update on it's own!

The Fuey Dashboard

Here is the Fuey dashboard in action

Current options for filtering traces

Applied filters appear in the header

Failing traces show in red


Ruby 2.0 (For Fuey Web App) Ruby 1.8.7, 1.9, or 2.0 (For FueyClient) Redis 2.6 Rails 4 Puma


Install FueyClient on each server you would like to monitor. To setup the FeuyClient, refer to the README

Install and setup Redis. Configure the FueyClient's to use this Redis server.

Install the Fuey Web App. Clone the Fuey repo where you'd like to have it reside on your webserver

git clone git@github.com:b2b2dot0/fuey.git

Make sure you have bundler installed

gem install bundler

Change directory into the Fuey app, and run

bundle install

Fire up the app with Puma

rails s puma

Once your Fuey Clients start reporting, you will see them appear in the Fuey web app dashboard. Enjoy!